Well this is how I began to like Code Lyoko...
It was in June or July around when Code Lyoko first came out with the episode Teddy Godzilla. I thought it was so stupid
untill one day I was waiting for Teen Titains to come on ( I loved that show at the time ) and when Code Lyoko came on I was
gonna change it and my friend said we should watch it so I did. We were laughing like crazy. We thought Odd was a girl and
was going out with Jeremie. We also thought Yumi and Ulrich were going out ( its so obviouse oh and the episode was The Trap
) Then I started to watch it every time it came on untill exactly September 3, 2004 at 5:57 pm. the episode was Routine and
I cried like for an hour. Now I am totally over obsessed with Code Lyoko. ( I rather not get into detail )